17书吧 - 同人小说 - 看地狱客栈学英语烧话【试播集】在线阅读 - (1)


    1、hot stuff 【火辣小子】

    2、slut 【荡妇】

    3、Ouch, ooh, such an insult.Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me, you sack of poorly packaged horseshit.


    4、Up yours, drag show!【去你的,异装怪胎!】

    5、Damn it!【该死的】

    6、Those other cowardly sinners.【那些胆小的罪人们】

    7、Edge lord!(普通翻译:边缘领主)【中二病!】

    8、you fried chicken fetuses【你这炸鸡胎儿】

    9、limpdick iackáss【软只因蠢货】

    10、Suck it up【给我忍着】

    11、I will fucking bury you.【我就把你他妈的活埋了】

    12、She,s nuts【她疯掉了】

    13、stupid bitch【蠢婊子】

    14、crazy bitch【疯婊子】

    15、all you junkies, freaks, and weirdos【你们这些瘾君子、畸形儿和怪胎】

    16、creepy, hatchet-wielding maniac【可怕的挥舞着斧头的疯子】


    18、You whores have no class.【你们这些常只因太不优雅了】


    20、That,s none of your goddamn business.【那关你屁事】

    21、I,m going to blow you to bits.【我要把你炸成碎rou】



    24、sugar tits【小甜心】

    25、Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke.


    26、Like an orphan with no arms or legs with progeria.


    27、Just don,t get your taco in a twist, baby.



    28、Whatever pisses you off more.【能让你发火的就行】

    29、Sorry, you,re stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it.


    30、Too late, toots.【太迟了,亲爱的】

    31、Come mierda, malparido.(西语)【去吃史吧,你这混蛋】

    32、Who cares if some jagoffs got hurt.【谁会去在意某些蠢货受伤了没】

    33、Most of them are ugly freaks.【他们大部分都是些丑陋的怪胎】

    34、You got a bunch of fuckin, harlequin babies down here.


    35、your selfish bullshit【你那狗屁的自私心】


    37、cabr ó n hijo de perra.(西语)【你这狗娘养的】

    38、you pompous, cheesy, talk show shit lord【你这个傲慢无礼的狗屁脱口秀王】

    39、That,s wacky nonsense.【你在胡说什么呢】

    40、I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment,only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure.


    41、You don,t take sh*t from other demons.【你从其他恶魔身上屁都拿不到】

    42、you,re sketchy as fuck.【你讲的那些太他妈粗略了】

    43、I can suck your dick.【我能帮你口】

    44、you son of a bitch.【你这个王八蛋】

    45、You thought it would be some kinda big fuckin, riot.


    46、Go fuck yourself.【自己手冲去】

    47、This cesspool with some old redemption flair.
